Page 35 - needle bearings
P. 35

Bearing Internal Clearance

       5.2.2 Calculation of running clearance
                                                                   Ўt ʹЋɾ∆TɾDo ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(5.3)
       The running clearance in bearing can be determined from
       initial radial clearance, reduced internal clearance    where,
       incurred by effective interference, and temperature         Ўt : Reduced clearance value incurred by
       difference between inner ring and outer ring, using              temperature difference  mm
       formula (5.1).                                              Ћ : Linear expansion coefficient of bearing steel
            Ўeff ʹЎo ʵʢЎf ʴЎt ʣ ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(5.1)                           12.5 ʷ 10 /˚C
                                                                   ∆T : Inner ring – outer ring temperature difference ˆ
            where,                                                 Do : Outer ring raceway diameter  mm
            Ўeff : Running clearance  mm                           d : Bearing bore diameter  mm
            Ўo : Initial radial clearance  mm                      D : Bearing outer diameter  mm
            Ўf  : Reduced internal clearance incurred by
                 effective interference  mm                    When a shaft or a housing is used as a direct raceway,
            Ўt : Reduced internal clearance incurred by      temperature difference between the shaft and the
                 temperature difference between inner ring   housing is applied as temperature difference (∆T).
                 and outer ring  mm
                                                             5.3 Fits and bearing radial clearance
       (1) Reduced internal clearance incurred by effective    Where the allowable tolerances for the shaft and the
          interference                                       housing hole are already decided, the simple nomogram
         When a bearing is installed on a shaft or in a housing  as shown in Fig. 5.1 is available as a guideline to
       with some effective interference, the inner ring expands  decision of the initial radial clearance of bearing so as to
       and the outer ring shrinks and, as the result, the radial  enable to get an optimal clearance after the bearing was
       clearance in the bearing reduces correspondingly.     installed on the shaft/in the housing.  The nomogram in
         The expansion or shrinkage of inner ring or outer ring  Fig. 5.1 is used as the guideline as stated above. For the
       is approximately equivalent to 85% of the effective   detail feel free to contact NTN.
       interference though depending on bearing type, shaft or  For example, where the fit condition for needle roller
       housing profile, dimension and material. For the detail  bearing with inner ring is already given as J7m6, Fig.5.1
       refer to Table 6.4 on page A-35.                      shows that clearance C3 must be secured to get the
            Ўf ʹ 0.85ɾ∆deff ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(5.2)                 standard running clearance after installation.
            Ўf : Reduced internal clearance incurred by
                 effective interference  mm
            ∆deff : Effective interference  mm                                               Tolerance range class
                                                                                             for housing hole
                                                                H6/7 J6  J7 K6  K7   M6  M7  N6  N7
       (2) Reduced internal clearance incurred by
          temperature difference between inner ring and
          outer ring
         When a bearing is in running, the temperature of its
       outer ring is lower by 5 to 10˚C than that of its inner ring                          Radial clearance
       or rolling elements. Also, temperature difference between    Ordinary        C3          C4
       the inner ring and the outer ring gets larger when heat is
       radiated more from the housing or when the bearing shaft
       is communicated with a heat source and a heated fluid is
                                                                                             Tolerance range class
       flowing through a hollowed shaft. In such a case, the                                 for shaft
       internal clearance reduces corresponding to thermal
                                                                  h5/6  j5  j6  k5  k6  m5  m6  n5  n6
       expansion difference between the inner ring and the
       outer ring which is incurred by this temperature
       difference.                                           Fig. 5.1  Relationship between bearing fits and radial clearance

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