Page 86 - needle bearings
P. 86

Needle roller and cage assemblies for connecting rod bearings

                                                                    The respective profile accuracy of connecting rod hole,
           Radial clearance                                       crank and piston pin outer surfaces shall be as specified
             Table 1 shows the recommended clearance values       in Table 3.
           though the radial clearance differs depending on bearing  Furthermore, the parallelism of crank pin and piston pin
           clearance, load, revolutions and ambient temperature.   shall be 0.02mm or less against 100mm. (Fig. 1)
             The proper radial clearance can be got by proper       The surface roughness shall be 0.2a for connecting rod
           selection and combination of roller diameter, connecting  and 0.1a for pin outer surface as a guideline.
           rod hole diameter and pin diameter. Table 2 shows the
           examples of selection and combination of those.
                                                                  Table 3  Recommended accuracy of connecting rod and pin
                                                                                                            Unit : Жm
                                                                                         Pin diameter classification    mm
           Table 1  Recommended clearance values
                                                      Unit : Жm     Parts   Characteristics
                                                                                         ʙ14  14ʙ18  18ʙ25  25ʙ30 30ʙ40
                 Pin diameter
                     mm           Large end side  Small end side  Connecting Roundness (max)   3  4  4    5    5
                Over     incl.                                    rod
                                                                           Cylindricality (max)   2  3  3  4   4
                 6       10           9ʙ23         5ʙ17                    Roundness (max)   2  2   3     3    4
                10       18          10ʙ24         5ʙ17
                                                                           Cylindricality (max)   1  1  2  2   3
                18       30          10ʙ24         5ʙ17
                30       40          18ʙ33          ʵʵ

           Table 2  Radial clearance values obtainable by selection and
           Case of needle roller and cage assembly Type PK for crank pin
           Crank pin hole diameter  22mm H6 (0 to +13Жm)
           Crank pin diameter 14mm h5 (0 to -8Жm)
                                                      Unit : Жm
                      Hole diameter
                       sorting class  0ʙʴ4  ʴ4ʙʴ8  ʴ8ʙʴ13
                      Sorting class of
           Pin diameter  needle roller used  ʵ4ʙʵ6  ʵ2ʙʵ4  0ʙʵ2
           sorting class
                   0ʙʵ3          10ʙ17     10ʙ17    10ʙ18
                 ʵ3ʙʵ6           13ʙ20     13ʙ20    13ʙ21
                 ʵ6ʙʵ8           16ʙ22     16ʙ22    16ʙ23                              100

                                                                                        Fig. 1
           Connecting rod and pin specifications
             Connecting rod (bore surface), crank pin and piston pin
           (outer surface) can be used as direct raceway surface.
           However, these surfaces must be resistible to great load
           while maintaining high accuracy. For that, connecting
           rods and pins acting as the direct raceway surface must
           comply with the specifications specified hereunder.
             Any connecting rods shall be made of cement steel,
           e.g. chrome molybdenum steel (SCM415, etc.), nickel
           chrome molybdenum steel (SNCM420, etc.) and any
           crank pins and piston pins shall also be made of cement
           steel, e.g. chrome steel (SCr420, etc.), all of which shall
           be surface-hardened by carburizing.
             The surface hardness of each shall range from HRC58
           to 64 and adequate depth of effective carburizing-
           hardened layer shall be secured up to Hv550. The depth
           of effective carburizing-hardened layer differs depending
           on actual load and pin diameter.
             Feel free to contact NTN for the more detailed

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