Page 301 - needle bearings
P. 301

Linear Ball Bearings

                Components            Infinite  Finite  Rotating            Remarks
                                     motion   motion   motion

         Inscribed circle diameter: П20                         The operating temperature shall be held within the range of
         Outer diameter: П32          ʕ         ˓        ˓      -25 to 100˚C, to prevent deterioration of seal and grease.
         Width: 45

                                                               Due to its resin cage, this bearing shall be used at allowable
                                                               temperature 90˚C and, under continuous running, at 80˚C
                                                               and less. The double-row type has an elastic joint on the cage
                                                               center so double rows of flat rollers can be bent to any
         Roller diameter: f2.5                                 optional angle along the elastic joint by heating them in oil of
         Width: 18                    ˓         ʕ        ʷ     70 to 90˚C. By cooling down the double-row rollers with the
         ZW: Double-row type                                   bent angle held unchanged for several seconds after having
                                                               bent them to any optional angle, the bent shape of the double
                                                               rows can be held unchanged so that the double-row rollers
                                                               can be mounted on a V-shaped surface as illustrated.

                                                               Where the resin cage RF is used, the bearing shall be used at
                                                               allowable temperature 90˚C and, under continuous running, at
                                                               80˚C and less.
         Roller diameter: f3
         Width: 20                    ˓         ʕ        ʷ     The standard length of the bearing unit with BF cage is
         Cage length: 1000                                     1000 mm.
                                                               The standard length of the bearing unit with RF cage is 705 mm.
                                                               Two or more bearings of this type can’t be jointed with each
                                                               other, but it can be supplied at any desired length on request.

         Section height: 26           ˓         ʕ        ʷ
         Bearing overall length: 86

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