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                  1. Basic load rating and life
                                                                                Fig. 1 Nomograms for life calculation
                        rpm 10                      100            1000                   10000
                                       15      20          30      40          60      80                150    200        300    400        600    800               1500  2000      3000  4000      6000   8000           15000 20000    30000 40000   60000
                For      ƒn      1.4   1.3    1.2   1.1                0.9        0.8        0.7            0.6              0.5                 0.4                        0.3  0.28         0.21  0.22              0.18     0.16       0.14         0.12                        0.09 0.082
                           1.49       1.0                                                          0.20          0.10
                        Hour 200                       1000                  10000                            80000
                Bearings                    300       400      500    600  700 800 900  2000             3000        4000            6000       8000       20000          30000      40000          60000
                         ƒh   0.75   0.80   0.85  0.90  0.95                1.1       1.2        1.3      1.4      1.5      1.6    1.7    1.8   1.9        2.5                3.5        4.5
                            0.74        1.0                        2                     3               4                   5     5.4
                        rpm 10                       100            1000                   10000
                         n              15      20          30      40           60      80                 150    200        300    400        600    800              1500   2000      3000   4000     6000   8000           15000 20000    30000 40000   60000
                For        1.4   1.3     1.2    1.1                  0.9         0.8           0.7            0.6               0.5                      0.4                            0.3  0.28           0.24   0.22                0.18       0.16       0.14            0.12     0.106
                            1.44     1.0                                              0.20
                        Hour 200                      1000                  10000                             80000
                Bearings                  300          400     500    600 700 800 900                       2000             3000        4000            6000       8000      20000          30000      40000          60000
                                0.80    0.85   0.90   0.95                  1.1          1.2         1.3         1.4       1.5      1.6      1.7     1.8   1.9                       2.5              3.5           4.5
                            0.74        1.0                               2                          3                            4           4.6
               1.2 Adjustment of rating life                     1.2.1 Reliability factor a 1

               The basic rating life of bearings, may be obtained  In the case where a high reliability level of more than 90%
               through the formulas mentioned in Section 1.1, which is  (or failure probability of less than 10%) is required, the
               an  arbitrary standard adopted for most applications.  bearing life Ln may be found by the factor a1 given
               However, when the bearing life of more than 90%   in Table 2.
               reliability is required, or when the life of bearing made of
               bearing steel with  improved method of manufacture or of  Table 2. Reliability factor a1
               materials other than standard bearing steel is required, or  R  A I L E  - T I L I B  Ln  a 1
                                                                        , Y  %
               when the bearing life is to be calculated in due consider  0 9         L 01            0 0 . 1
               ation of lubricating and other conditions, the bearing life  5 9       L5              2 6 . 0
                                                                        6 9           L4              3 5 . 0
               can be given by use of the adjustment factors,           7 9           L3              4 4 . 0
               established in ISO 281/1.                                8 9           L2              3 3 . 0
                                                                        9 9           L1              1 2 . 0
                    Lna = a1 a2 a3                    (8)
                                   C P
                               10 6  [  ]
                               60n1  P                           1.2.2 Material factor a 2
                    Lna   = adjusted rating life for material    When the bearing is made of a material whose rolling
                             properties operating conditions and  fatigue life has been improved or of materials other than
                             for a reliability of (100-n) %,     standard bearing steel, the rating life may be adjusted by
                             million revolutions.                the material factor a2. For instance, it has been proved
                    a1    = reliability factor                   that the life of vacuum degassed steel, which CBC uses
                    a2    = material factor                      for all their bearings is expected to increase by
                    a3    = operating condition factor           approximately three times as compared with air melted
               The Lna life is then multiplied by the appropriate life  bearing steel.
               adjustment factors that apply to the particular bearing  The bearing (shown with the symbol “TS”) treated for
               and  application condition involved. In most applications  dimensional stability at high temperature, is reduced in
               however, it is difficult to have sufficient knowledge of  hardness. The life of this bearing should consequently
               every operating condition. In such a case it is necessary  be found from formula (8), using the temperature factor
               to refer to the field experiences on the life of bearing  in Table 3.
               used in the same machine (or under the same conditions)
               and to adopt the factors a2 and a3, or to determine their
               values. For cases under special conditions, CBC should
               be consulted. It may not be assumed that a deficiency in  Table 3. Temperature factors for high temperature
               lubrication and mounting can be overcome by using an        bearings
               improved material. It is emphasized that indiscriminate  M A  . X  O P E R A  N I T  G  S Y M B O L  T E M P E R A T U R E
               use of the life  adjustment factors in the equation may  T E M P E R A T U R  ˚ , E  C  F A C T O R
                                                                        0 0 1         –              0 0 . 1
               result in  serious problems.
                                                                        0 3 1        T S 1            5 9 . 0
                                                                        0 6 1        T S 2            7 8 . 0
                                                                        0 0 2        T S 3            8 6 . 0
                                                                        0 5 2        T S 4            0 3 . 0
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