Page 340 - needle bearings
P. 340


           Maximum draft angle value

                                               Chart showing the relationship of drafted portion length (h) vs draft angle dimension (М)
                          Draft angle

                                                 Draft angle dimensionɹМɹmm

                          Draft angle                                                            h        h

                                Unit : degree                                              Aluminum alloy  М
                    Material  Aluminum  Zinc                                               Zinc alloy
            Length of
            draft portion(mm)   alloy  alloy

             3 and less      10     6

             Over 3 - 10 incl.  5   3

             Over 10 - 50 incl.  3  2
                                                                    Length of draft portionɹhɹNN
             Over 50 - 315 incl.  2  1.5

                                                                     Ex. 1. JIS B 0410, Class-B
           Ordinary tolerances for sheared metal plates                 2. Cutting width, straightness: JIS B 0410, Class-B
                                                   JIS B 0410             Perpendicularity: JIS B 0410, Class-A
             This Standard specifies the ordinary tolerances for the
           shearing width and ordinary tolerances for the           Definition of the terms: The terms used in this Standard
           straightness and perpendicularity (hereinafter generically  are as defined in JIS B 0111 (Terminology relating to
           referred to as  ordinary tolerance ) of metal plates of 12mm  press machines) and, in addition, defined as follows.
           and less in thickness which were sheared by direct shearing  (1) Cutting width: Distance from one side sheared by
           machines such as gear pusher, square shear, etc.           shear cutter to opposite side, as illustrated in Fig. b
             The ordinary tolerance shall be indicated by either one  (2) Cutting length: length of one side sheared by shear
           of the following methods (1) and (2).                      cutter, as illustrated in Fig. l.
             (1) Numerical value table for each dimensional division
             (2) Applicable standard No. and tolerance class

           Ordinary tolerance for shearing width                    Unit : mm
                 Classification by plate thickness
                                1.6 and less Over 1.6  3 incl. Over 3  6 incl. Over 6  12 incl.
                      Tolerance class
           Cutting width division  Class-A Class-B Class-A Class-B Class-A Class-B Class-A Class-B  product
             120 and less       ʶ0.2 ʶ0.5 ʶ0.3 ʶ0.5 ʶ0.7 ʶ1.2    ʵ   ʶ1.6
             Over 120 - 315 incl.  ʶ0.3 ʶ0.6 ʶ0.4 ʶ0.8 ʶ0.9 ʶ1.6  ʵ  ʶ2.0            b
             Over 315 - 1000 incl.  ʶ0.5 ʶ1.0 ʶ0.5 ʶ1.2 ʶ1.6 ʶ2.0  ʵ  ʶ2.5
             Over 1000 - 2000 incl.  ʶ0.8 ʶ1.2 ʶ0.8 ʶ1.6 ʶ2.0 ʶ3.0  ʵ  ʶ3.0
                                                                                       Sheared side
             Over 2000 - 3150 incl.  ʶ1.0 ʶ1.4 ʶ1.0 ʶ1.6 ʶ2.8 ʶ3.0  ʵ  ʶ3.5
           Remarks: non-applicable to cutting length exceeding 3150 mm.


                                                                                          Sheared side

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