Page 9 - Zetor 5211-7745 Turbo
P. 9
The present spaIe Parts List had been conpiled for Zetor 52LI 7745 tractors in such a way that ít could offer a clear sur-
and different spare parts of all tractor types thus ensurinq the econony in ordering spare parts.
way both of comnon
Text part
The contents on the very beginning of the Spare Parts List serves for a better looking up, In accordance with
iten nunbers the text part together wíth parts order nunbers is arranged.
In the colunn 1 fiqure number, in the colunn 2 iten number, in the colunn 3 part designation, in the colunn { part order
nunbers, in tlre colun 5 note are nentioned, betueen colunns 4 and 5 the qantity of pieces for each tractor type
is cited.
Signs nentioned in the group have the following neaning:
+ - assenbled on the base of special request of the costoner
* - no spare part
X - part suspended
ND part remains on spare parts stock only, it is no rrore nounted on tractors
0 tractor without cab
1 tractor provided vith cab (BX 7011) VAD PREŠOV
2 tractor provided with cab (BK 6011) LETOSTR0J,
Besides of tbe above nentioned
signs (narks) which are valid in genera} they nay appear in the renark column a].so ťurther
signs being explained innediately on tbe botton of the page on which they appear or on the end of the group.
Illustration part
tractors. The uniike spare parts which are
The base of t]re illustration part represent ťorn spare parts for ?,etot.12II
functionally inportant or vhich have another shape are aiso mentioned.
For such spare parts as standardized their differences are
ones, or parts of the sane shape but different dimensions,
in the text part only. The group desígnation and figure nunber are showed in the Íilustraton upper corner'
For repairs only genuine original spare parts for Zetor 52LI 7145 tractors are to be used. A particular attention should
be paied to spare parts orders.
To prevent unnecessary nisunderstandings tine losses following data in spare parts orders are to be quoted:
(1) Exact addres of the ordering party, post office together with the postal code and railway station eventually.
(2) Exact designation
of the spare part in question and its order nmber.
(3) Required spare parts quantity.
(4) seriai number of the tractor as stanped on its factory plate placed on the engine bonnet RH side under the dashboard.
(5) !{ay of dÍspatch"