Page 23 - needle bearings
P. 23

Load Rating and Life

                                                               "Basic static load rating" is defined as such a constant
       2.10  Radial internal clearance, surface              static load that results in permanent deformation of the
            roughness and surface hardness, and              said limit value, which is then expressed in net radial load
            bearing life                                     for radial bearings and in net axial load for thrust
         The relationship of radial internal clearance to bearing  bearings.
       life is as shown in Fig. 2.9 and the relationship of surface  Regarding this load value, each table of bearing
       roughness to bearing life as shown in Fig.2.10.       dimensions describes it in the Cor, field for radial bearings
         It is possible to see from these Figures how the bearing  and in Coa field for thrust bearings respectively.
       life is influenced by each factor.                      When the load defined above acts on a bearing,
                                                             contact stress at the contact center of rolling element to
                                                             raceway, which are subjected to maximum load, reaches
                                                             the following value.
                1.0                                            For roller bearing ⋯⋯⋯4000MPa (408kgf/mm )
                                                               For ball bearing ⋯⋯⋯4200MPa (428kgf/mm )
                Life ratioɹL L                               2.12  Allowable static bearing load

                                                               The basic static load rating prescribed in Subsection
                                                             2.11 is generally deemed as an allowable static bearing
                                                             limit load, but in some cases this allowable limit load is
                                                             set up larger than the basic static load rating and in some
                                                             other cases it is set up smaller, according to the
                                                             requirements for revolving smoothness and friction.
                                                               Generally this allowable limit load is decided
                  0          20         40                   considering the safety factor So in the following formula
                        Radial internal clearanceɹʷ10 -3     (2.14) and Table 2.5.
                                                                   So  CoʗPoʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(2.14)
       Fig. 2.9  Relationship of radial internal clearance to bearing life
                                                                So : Safety factor
                                                                Co : Basic static rated load, N (kgf)
                   (1.0)                                             (For radial bearings: Cor,
                        (0.85)                                        For thrust bearings: Coa)
             L10 lifeɹʷ10 4  1000  (0.37)                        Po max : Maximum static bearing  load, N (kgf)
                                                                     (For radial bearings: Por max,
                                                                      For thrust bearings: Coa max)
                      1.0  2.0   3.0  4.0  5.0   6.0         Table 2.5  Lower limit value of safety factor S0
                    ʢ0.25ʣ ʢ0.5ʣ ʢ0.75ʣ ʢ1.0ʣ ʢ1.25ʣ ʢ1.5ʣ
                                                                    Operating conditions     Roller     Ball
            The sum of surface roughnesses of test specimens in relative                    bearings  bearings
                position before testing R max Жm (   ) showing Ra  Requirement for high revolving accuracy  3  2
         Fig. 2.10  Relationship of surface roughness to bearing life  Requirement for ordinal revolving  1.5  1
                                                              accuracy (ordinary-purposed)
                                                              Where minor deterioration of revolving
                                                              accuracy is allowed              1        0.5
                                                              (Ex. Low speed revolution, duty load
       2.11  Basic static load rating                         application, etc.)
         Load acting on a bearing, when acted, results in locally  Remarks: 1. For the drawn-cup needle roller bearings, 3 shall be adopted
       permanent deformation of the contract surface of rolling                       as So lower limit value.
                                                                              2. Where vibration and shock load act on bearing, Po max shall
       elements to bearing ring. And this deformation value                       be determined considering the shock load factor.
       increases inevitably with the increasing load and smooth
       rotation of the bearing is interfered with by the
       deformation when it exceeded a certain limit value.
         It is known experimentally that the total permanent
       deformation value 0.0001 times as large as the rolling
       element diameter at the contact center of rolling elements
       to raceway both of which are subjected to maximum
       stress is an allowable deformation limit which does not
       interfere with smooth rotation of bearing.

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