Page 58 - needle bearings
P. 58

Technical Data

                                                                  2) Inscribed circle diameter after complete bearing fit
           11.3  Calculation Examples                               in the housing on actual machine
           11.3.1 Shrinkage factor and post-installation
                 clearance of drawn cup needle roller bearing     [1] Inscribed circle diameter in press-fitting of master ring
             The recommended fit data for the standard bearings is
           as described in Table 1 on page B-33. This paragraph
           describes hereunder the calculation methods to be used
           when the bearing fit conditions are reviewed in detail.
           1) Calculation of bearing shrinkage factor
             For the drawn cup bearings, the shrinkage factor is
           calculated using the following method.                                      H                     D

                                                                                       Fig. 11.5

                                                                      H ɿHousing inner diameter    mm
                                                                      T ɿRoller diameter + plate thickness    mm
                                                                      D ɿOuter diameter of drawn cup needle roller bearing   mm
                                                                      Li ɿPost press-fit inscribed circle diameter    mm
                                                                    When the master ring is press-fitted, the dimension of
                 DH                      de                       "roller diameter + plate thickness" remains unchanged.
                         Housing           Drawn cup bearing      Hence, the inscribed circle diameter Li is determined by
                                                                  the following formula.
                                                                     LiʹDʵ2TʵЕʢDʵHʣʹʢ1ʵЕʣDʵ2TʴЕH ʜʜ(11.2)
                                                                    Determine the mean value of "roller diameter + plate
                                                                  thickness" (=T) and standard deviation from formula
                                                                  (11.2). The mean value of formula (11.2) is determined
                                            dnom                  as follows.
                                                                     mLiʹʢ1ʵЕʣmDʵm2TʴЕmH ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(11.3)
                                Fig. 11.4
                                                                    Standard deviation of formula (11.2)

                                 1ʵS 2                              МLi2ʹʢ1ʵЕʣ2ɾМD2ʴМ2T 2ʴЕ2МH 2 ʜʜʜʜʜ(11.4)
                                                 2 ʜʢ11.1ʣ
           Еʹɹɾ   ʢ0.7S ʴ1.3ʣʢ1ʵt ʣʢ0.7ʴ1.3t ʣʢ1ʵS ʣ                In the case of master ring, due to МH 2=0 the formula
               E 2                ʴ
                         E 1               E 2                    (11.4) is expressed as follows.
                                                                    МLi2ʹʢ1ʵЕʣ2ɾМD2ʴМ2T 2 ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(11.5)
                                                                    The unknown values in formulas (11.3), (11.5) are only
                                                                  m T and М2T . Hence, substitute the known numerical
               Е  ɿOuter ring shrinkage factor
                                                                  values for formulas (11.3), (11.5) to determine m2T and
               DH ɿHousing outer diameter    mm
                                                                  М2T .
               dnomɿNominal diameter of fitting portion    mm
               de  ɿRolling surface diameter of outer ring    mm
                                                                  [2] Even when bearing ring is press-fitted in the housing
               E  ɿ Modulus of housing vertical elasticity
                                                                    on actual machine, consider the inscribed circle
                    (Young’s modulus)  MPa (kgfʗmm )
                                                                    diameter similarly to the master ring press-fit.
               E  ɿModulus of outer ring vertical elasticity
                                                                    Herein, the calculation formulas for press-fit in the
                    (Young’s modulus)
                    2.07ʷ10 MPa (21 200kgfʗmm )                     housing on actual machine can be discriminated as
                                                                    follows from formula (11.3), (11.4) by adding "   " to
                                                                    each formula.
              S ʹʕʕʕ
                  DH                                                 mLi ʹʢ1ʵЕ ʣmDʵm2TʴЕ mH  ʜʜʜʜʜʜʜ(11.6)
                                                                     МLi 2ʹʢ1ʵЕ ʣ2ɾМD2ʴМ2T 2ʴЕ 2МH 2 ʜʜʜʜ(11.7)
              t ʹʕʕʕ                                              [3] For m2T and М2T in formula (11.6), (11.7), substitute
                                                                    the values determined previously for the respective
                                                                  [4] From the calculations, the inscribed circle diameter in
                                                                    press-fitting in the housing on actual machine can be
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